Friday, March 30, 2007


I have been sooo sick the last week and a half. It started out as a sore throat on Wed the 21st, by the 22nd I was out for the count. I'm still feeling relatively miserable, but I'm no where near as sick as I was.

That's my whole blog for today. ;)

Oooo... E just rolled over. Jeeze that's a weird feeling. Way better than being kicked though. ;)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yes I'm Posting Again - Things I Want

Okay... in my online searches these last couple of weeks I've started coming up with a list of things I want for little "E". Here are a few of those things. Feel free to print out a shopping list. I won't mind. Honest. ;)

The Arms Reach Co-Sleeper Bassinet! --> I love this thing. I adore the idea of co-sleeping with your infant. However, it's just not practical for us. I love pillows, lots of soft blankets, and my dogs in bed with me. None of those are safe for having baby in bed. That's when i discovered this lovely contraption. It attaches to the side of your bed, and provides a safe little alcove for baby to sleep in - right next to mommy. :) I most want the mini convertible, as I think it would be the most practical model for us.

Dr. Sears Books --> Any of the books by Dr. Sears would be awesome! Especially awesome would be The Pregnancy Book, The Birth Book, The Baby Book, and The Attachment Parenting Book.

Bummis Diaper Covers --> We've already got a load of cloth diapers (thanks mom), but we really do need diaper covers. I've done my research, and the Bummi line seem to be the best - and at a much more reasonable price than a lot of what's out there. My favorites are the Bummi Original, the Cotton Bummi, the Super Whisper Wrap, the Swimmi (for in the pool), and the Polar Bummi (for night time).

The Belly Bra --> This would just make me a whole lot more comfortable these last few months.

I'm sure I'll come up with more. heh heh But that's it for now. ;)

New Due Date, and Other Developments

We had our first ultrasound appointment on the sixth (I know, I know... it's taken me nine days to post). I was desperately hoping to find out if we should be getting ready for Jack or Lily. So far whenever I refer to the baby I say "E"... not HE, not SHE... just E - which everyone seems to hear as HE. Anyway... Baby would not co-operate. E was all bunched up, refused to give us even a small glimpse of it's privates. I mean really. Modesty at this age? Come on. So it continues to be E.

One interesting development discovered at the ultrasound was our new due date. Apparently we had it wrong. We're not due on the 25th, we're due July 14th. Not really sure how we messed that one up. Not really sure how I was even fertile at that point. LOL But it is what it is. I like the 14th better anyway - less Summer heat at that point. ;) The less I have to sit, sweltering in 30+ (celcius) degree heat, with an enormous belly, the better.

A not so nice development with our little one, that really was amazing, and interesting, and cool, and fabulous at first, is all the movement E does. Now, I say that it started out absolutely amazing... it really did. To feel it moving inside me, turning, kicking... it was breath taking. Well... now it literally is breath taking. The little bugger honestly knocks the wind right out of me! It gets down right painful, especially when E does it in the middle of a contraction (braxton hicks, nothing to worry about). Good grief!

Can we talk about lack of sleep? Our little monster seems to have it's days and nights all mixed up. E's usually pretty quiet during the day... a half hour of activity here, ten minutes there... but come ten p.m. or later??? You'd think E was a kick boxing champion! It's really not unusual for it to wake me up four or five times during the night with it's gymnastics routines. It's really starting to worry me! If E is this active now, what the heck did we get ourselves into?!?!?!? Forget AD/HD... this goes beyond all that, we're going to earn our own set of "special" letters!

Anyway... I'm hungry (again). So I'm signing off. Take care. And right before you drift off for an uninterrupted, dreamy, full nights sleep - think of me.