Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Baby Name Help - Your Chance to Weigh in.

Well, We've made it to 33 weeks and 3 days. 46 days until our due date, 25 days until we are considered full term. I think it's time to start nailing down all the details about E's name.

We've known from the beginning that it will be Jack or Lily... and that Lily will actually be Lily-Anne or Lily-Ann. But that's about where it stops. Middle names we're considering for Lily - Mae, Sydney, Marie, Alora... so she could be Lily-Ann Alora Marie Smith, Lily-Anne Sydney Mae Smith, Lily-Anne Marie Smith, etc. etc.

Mae was Damon's Grandmas middle name (Ila Mae), and I adored her. She was the first person to truly welcome me into the family years and years ago. She and I used to spend many of our days together. When Damon left for work, he'd drop me off at Ilas, and the two of us would just visit all day. I really do miss her.

Sidney was Damon's Papa (paternal grandpa)... and everyone who knew him loved him. He was just Papa - to everyone. He was always so full of love. He will always be missed and well remembered.

Marie is my little sister, and she is beyond special to both Damon and I. She's just... well... Marie. Words could never capture her, not truly. To try would only do her an injustice.

Alora is just something I really like.

So, what are your thoughts on a full name for Lily?

Now with Jack, we have even less decided... Jack could be Jacky, Giaccamo, Jackson or any variation on that theme. Middle (or first) names could be William, Sydney, Darius, Edward, or something else entirely. Soooo... Jack could be William Jackson Smith, Giaccamo Sydney Edward Smith, Sydney Jacky Smith, Darius Jackson Smith, etc.

William is a family name... my dad, my brother, and my grampa are all Williams. I think it's a beautiful traditional name. But we'd need to be careful to stay away from anything that would bring up Will Smith or Billy Jack.

Sidney is mentioned above (with Lily's explanations).

Darius is just a nice D name... and I kinda like the idea of Jack being a D.J. because that's what Damon is (Damon Jason).

Edward is a name I've always liked.

So... what are your thoughts on a name for Jack?

Please do weigh in. We don't have all that much longer to have something picked out... and obviously we're in need of some help in this department!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Second (and last) Ultrasound

We had our second (and final) ultrasound yesterday morning. E has moved into the proper head down position, and all of the internal organs are looking good. Unfortunately we still weren't able to get a "for sure" on the sex... E had a foot up right in front of the genitals... So E will remain E until E is born. LOL

The not-so-thrilling-for-mommy news?

E is HUGE!!!

That's right. Huge.

Babies at this stage are normally about four pounds (some just under, some just over). E is five and a half pounds!!!! I'm real glad E is healthy and strong... but that's just plain scary! Definitely NOT looking forward to pushing THAT out. Damon, of course, couldn't stop grinning. Boy needs to be slapped. LMAO

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Will I Love E?

This may sound like an absurd worry to some... but it's a worry for me none the less. So many soon-to-be moms that I've visited with are already in love with their little one, before they even arrive. Personally, I have no such feelings.

Logically I'm quite aware that it's a baby growing inside my ever expanding midriff, but honestly? It's still a completely abstract concept. I think it's neat, I think it's exciting. I love watching my belly move about as if it's got a life of it's own. Despite all this, there is no feeling of love, or even of connection at this point. Should I not, at the VERY least, feel connected to the life inside of me? Feel some sort of bond? There is nothing. No link or tie. No attachment.

I know others will insist that it will come. I WILL have all these feelings and more... but how can anyone be certain, when I myself, am not? Will I love E when E arrives, or will there continue to be a disconnect there? E is neat, E is exciting, E is interesting... but E is not loved and treasured. That's not a good thought.

The closer we get to our due date, the more of a disconnect I feel. I realize it's probably a stress reaction, but I really am feeling less and less of a bond as the clock continues to bring us closer to E's arrival. Everyone around me can't wait for E to get here, and here I am wishing I was back in the second trimester with more time.

I don't have enough time.

Monday, May 14, 2007

More Chinese Zodiac...

This site has excellent zodiac information... much more detailed, and too long to post directly into my blog. So, if you'd like a little more insight into the Snake, Horse, and Pig (or your own Chinese Zodiac sign) I highly recommend checking this one out.

S N A K E - H O R S E - P I G

Links to each of the other nine signs are located at the bottom, and top, of the above pages.

Chinese Zodiac

Being born in 1977 I was born in the year of the red (fire) snake. According to chiff.com here's a bit about me:

Snake personality traits
Like a deep river, Snake people are usually placid on the surface, but their thoughts and emotions run very deep.

Quiet and unassuming, they prefer to work by themselves and are more often in the spotlight for their real and lasting accomplishments than for outward attempts at garnering attention.

Snakes hate to fail, and are very lucky when it comes to making money. With reputations for being hoarders, they are very frugal and careful about lending money to friends for frivolous reasons. However, they often show extraordinary sympathy when presented with an opportunity to help those who are truly in need.

Essentially loners, Snake people commonly keep their own counsel and rely on themselves to get ahead in life, mistrusting others' thoughts and opinions on matters of the utmost importance. Facts, too, get in the way of decision making for most Snakes, who prefer to use their own deeply held feelings and intuition in negotiating life's crossroads.

In matters of the heart, Snakes can be deeply amorous, jealous in nature, and do not handle rejection well at all. And woe to those who betray the trust and affection of the passionate snake!

In business dealings, Snake people command respect for their accomplishments and can enjoy great success as teachers, writers or philosphers.


Being born in 1978, Damon was born in the year of the brown (earth) horse. According to chiff.com here's a bit about him:

Horse personality traits
Like Tigers with whom they are most compatible, Horse people can be a jumble of contradictions.

Cool but hot-blooded, hard-nosed but humble, impatient but extraordinarily tolerant, the Horse is above all defined by hard work and self-reliance.

Although Horses work well in groups, they prefer to work by themselves and exhibit extraordinary levels of energy and concentration. They are good with their hands, but can be seen happily losing themselves in accomplishing any given task.

In social settings, they are cheerful, charismatic and sometimes overly talkative as they clairvoyantly finish other's sentences in conversation. However, they are also often the first guest to depart, usually due to a feeling of becoming too "penned in". Conversely, Horses are happiest in large crowds in open spaces and enjoy the comradarie found in pressing the flesh at outdoor gatherings or concerts.

In romance, they have a tremendous need for intimacy and belonging. However, once domesticated they often feel pressured in fulfilling family obligations, as they remain at heart powerfully rebellious creatures who will not be made to feel cornered.

Travel is a favorite pasttime, and horses are known to race off to any far-flung destination at a moment's notice. As such, Horses are well suited to careers as adventurers, poets, travel writers or politicians.


Being born THIS year, little E will be born in the year of the red (fire) pig. According to chiff.com here's a little about E:

Pig personality traits
Intellectually curious, honest and tolerant, those born in the Year of the Pig can be relied upon for their loyalty and often make true friends for life.

Like the knights of old, Pigs are often highly regarded for their chilvary and pureness of heart, and will often sacrifice their own well-being for the greater good.

The Pig can be very naive, however, and may easily fall victim to the unscrupulous who take advantage of their idealistic nature - as Pigs see everyone as loyal and caring as they are. Although forced to play the fool many times, they will just as likely hold fast to the notion that everyone is at heart decent and admirable.

Stubbornly optimistic, the Pig will not tolerate those with well-meaning advice on how to be a Pig, but since they dislike quarreling and discord their anger usually cools quickly. Sometimes looked upon as a snob, the Pig just finds it right and natural to exhibit good manners whenever possible. Their main goal in life is in serving others, and no matter how difficult circumstances become the Pig will never waiver or retreat, forging ahead in the sure knowledge that all will be well.

Pig people love to read, are generally thirsty for knowledge, and not readily talkative, but if presented with an opportunity to discuss topics of interest with like-minded individuals Pigs may find themselves talking non-stop for hours!

People born in the Year of the Pig are trusted associates in whatever career they happen to choose and often shine as entertainers, social activists or politicians.

If Little E is Born on His/Her Due Date...

If E is born on the EDD (estimated due date) then here's a little information on him/her...

A special day 14 July (as taken from http://www.babycenter.ca/tools/birthday/results?month=6&day=14)

On this day:

1858: Emmeline Pankhurst, English suffragist and founder of the Women's Franchise League, was born
1862: Gustav Klimt, painter, was born
1918: Ingmar Bergman, director, was born

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, it runs from 22 June to 22 July. It is a Water sign represented by the Crab

Birthstone (Modern)

Birthstone (Mystical)

Birthstone (Ayurvedic)

Birth Flower

World Holidays
Star Festiva - in Japanese myth the two stars Altair and Vega are believed to be seperated lovers who can only meet on this day

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Great Smith Baby Lottery!

Our baby lottery/pool has officially gone live!!

If you are in Saskatoon, you can enter your votes with Damon's Mom, my Parents, or Damon. If you are a long distance friend or family member just send me a message and I'll give you the snail mail address for entries. All local entries are being done on these cute little cards I designed, but distance entries can be on any old scrap paper. :) All you have to do is include the following information (plus the entry fee) and send it in.

Baby Guesses:
date of birth, time of birth, weight, sex, hair colour & eye colour
Your Information:
name, phone number, email address & snail mail address

Thats it. :) Pretty simple no? Anyway, here are the official rules and a few things that may help you make your guesses about little Jack or Lily.

The Great Smith Baby Lottery Rules
1. The fee for each entry is $3.00
2. You may enter as many times as you like
3. All blanks on entry form must be filled out
4. The entry fee must accompany each entry form
5. If there is a tie, the bonus questions (hair & eye colour) will decide the winner
6. Winner will receive 50% of the collected entry fees

1. Baby's estimated due date is July 14th
2. Baby's heart rate at 29.5 weeks was 134 beats per minute
3. The baby has been carried horizontal throughout pregnancy
4. As of 29.5 weeks, Tobi-Dawne had gained exactly 20 pounds
5. TD has a low Hemoglobin level (iron deficiency)
6. When TD was born, she weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces
7. When Damon was born, he weighed 7 pounds, 2.5 ounces
8. TD was born right on schedule
9. Damon was born 2 weeks prior to his due date
10. TD was born at supper time
11. Damon was born during the lunch hour
12. TD was born with light strawberry blonde hair
13. Damon was born with dark brown hair
14. TD was born with blue eyes
15. Damon was born with dark browny-blue eyes

Friday, May 4, 2007

Low Hemoglobin

Found out, at my doctors appointment yesterday, that I have low hemoglobin levels. Not a good thing this close to our due date. The main risk is to me (not the baby) which is a plus - at least as far as my stress levels are concerned. For now, I'm upping my vitamin intake, which hopefully will result in a higher level next time we do the blood test.

As an information junkie, I had to search for more information. I can't be even a little in the dark on anything that concerns me or my family. The most basic explanation I found was from the Mayo Clinic website: "Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in red blood cells. Low hemoglobin is another way of describing a low red blood cell count (anemia)." - Dr. Ruben Mesa

From that point I was able to find out a whole lot more in my searches online. The most dangerous risks (beyond a blood transfusion for me) are premature birth and low birth weight. The risk isn't high, but it's still there. I also learned that raising hemoglobin levels through supplementation often takes between four and six months, and well, we really don't have that long.

So my plan is to take the extra vitamins religiously for the next while, and just hope that my levels come up high enough to get me (and E) out of the danger zone.

On a good note, I've scheduled my next ultrasound. We'll be going in on May 24th. So keep your fingers crossed that little E doesn't keep his/her legs crossed. LOL We want to know if we're expecting Jack or Lily on July 14th.

Oh! Today we're at 29 weeks and 6 days... 71 days to go. Tomorrow it will be week 30 with 70 days to go. Damon laughs like crazy at me for keeping such close watch on the days and weeks. LOL He should try carrying around all this extra weight (and the strangeness that goes with it), and then see if HE starts watching the time a little closer. ;)