Sunday, July 1, 2007

14 Days, Scary Huh?

As of today we're at 38 weeks. That's right, only two weeks until our estimated due date. Honestly? I find it a little scary. I'm SOOOO looking forward to meeting little Jack or Lily, but us, being parents? Really? Are we old enough for that? LOL Silly, I know. I'm 30, of course I'm old enough... but it barely feels like it.

We had our 37 week appointment on Thursday. We've been going in once a week to see Dr. Payton... so if you ever want an update and I haven't posted - they're always on Thursdays. So feel free to bug me. Anyway...

The only news is that I've dropped. Which honestly wasn't news to us. Believe me, if it weren't for the huge amount of pain and pressure in my pelvis, I'd have noticed the fact that my belly went south. Heck, even the gas station attendant noticed I'd dropped. LOL If that doesn't tell you how obvious it was, nothing will.

I've made a couple fitted bassinet sheets for the new baby bed. Love the new bassinet, but it only came with one sheet, you have to special order additional ones directly from the company, and they really aren't a nice sheet (kinda scratchy and thin). Soooo... I used the original sheet as a pattern, and started sewing my own. They aren't hard to do, just time consuming.

Damon and I bought four meters of flannelette in two matching patterns. Both are identical, with little lions, elephants, turtles, zebras, etc. being all cute on them. However one has a blue background and one has a green background. The bassinet being green, blue, and yellow we figured we should stick with that colour scheme.

When all is said and done, we'll have four new sheets. I finished two last night (the green ones), and will do the blue ones soon. I was thinking maybe today... but I'd rather go to ceramics and work on a couple projects I have going there.

I've been quoted in another article. My second about pregnancy. I hadn't been thinking back when the first article came out. I should have posted it... now I can't remember where it was. If I find it again I will post it here, it was about cravings. This one is about pregnancy brain. My quote doesn't play a large part in the article, but I always get a bit of a thrill out of other writers using me as an example. LOL

Anyway, here it is:

Oh! Our new show dog is scheduled to arrive tomorrow from California. So keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well. Poor little guy has an awfully long flight ahead of him. I'll be sure to post all about him once he gets here. We've been awaiting his arrival for months now. :)

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